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Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Fall League


Spring League

$140 Residents of Miami Beach           $280 Non Residents Miami Beach 


PEE WEES-Ages 5-6 years-Tee Ball

Sun. games and one practice during the week (determined by coach)

ROOKIES-Ages 7-8 -Coach Pitch

Sun. and Thur. games with one practice during the week (determined by coach)

MINORS-Ages 9-10-Kids Pitch

Sun. and Wed Games with one practice during the week (determined by coach)

MAJORS-Ages 11-13-Kids Pitch

Sun. and Tue. Games with one practice during the week (determined by coach)


August-December-Fall League
January-May-Spring League

Hello and welcome to the Miami Beach Youth Baseball League.   We are so excited about starting our Spring  season.  In order to make our league successful we need participation from not only the players but also the parents.  Please take your time and view the information on this site.  Our philosophy is this should be the best times of our youngsters lives.  To make this happen we want to create a "non pressured fun filled atmosphere, where it is "Always a great day for baseball!" We are always looking for Volunteers who would like to get involved with our Little League. If you are interested in being a coach, sponsor, Team Mom/dad or help us fund raise please contact us at 305-281-0961.

Contact Us

Miami Beach Youth Baseball League

501 72 St. 
Miami Beach, Florida 33141

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 305-281-0961
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